3 Layers Studio | Services
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Services we can provide you

Concept development is the core essential of product design. We will provide sketches and ideations for your product.

We produce highly detailed production drawings with BOM list for manufacturing.

We have extensive suppliers network both in Australia and over-seas to provide the tools and requirements to ensure the products designed will go into production on time, and on budget.

Whether it’s Point of Sales stands or marketing flyers, or sales brochure, we are more than capable of making them. We can provide professional media to compliment the product.

We could take marketing of the product to the next level on the air-waves or social media by creating and editing professional-looking videos to showcase the products.

Cutting edge tools

We have years of experience in using cutting edge tools and software. We are also constantly keeping ourselves up to date with the latest to ensure our ideas stay fresh and relevant.

Beginning to End

Each project is a statement of what we do. We are dedicated to ensure the project are completed on time and on budget. No projects are too big and small. We will deliver what we promise.